Ball Point Pen | Photo Restorations by MGP

My wife and I have been parents for a little more than 4 years now and we’ve been blessed with two of the most awesome little people in the world.  Well, if I’m being completely honest, there are nights that they can’t get in bed fast enough because they have literally WORN US OUT.  For those of you who have small children, you know what I’m talking about.

One of the things that we’ve discovered is that if there is a writing utensil around and anything that resembles paper, THEY WILL WRITE ON IT.  It’s a guaranteed fact.  And if that item is a precious family photo, they see it as no more valuable than a brown paper sack.  If they’re somewhat old enough to know better, they’ll take this random photo that mom or dad inadvertently left out on the table as an opportunity to ‘enhance’ the photo by drawing a cool mustache on mom or draw a pretty little flower in dad’s hair.  For those little one that don’t know better, you’ll get random abstract scribble all over the image.

Pen Marks all over images is one of the toughest restoration projects, especially when the ink has made its way around eyes, noses and lips.  Bringing these types of images back to life means a lot to me.  Sometimes this image could be the only portrait that a family has ever taken.  Unfortunately, we can’t go back in time to retake these images.  The good news is that these moments in time don’t have to be lost forever.  I was able to assist a family recently do just that…. Bring a precious memory in time back to life.    Tell me what you think.

Maddie Grace Photography | Photo Restorations | DallasMaddie Grace Photography | Photo Restorations | Dallas