Karl || Corporate Headshot || Frisco, Tx

Are you familiar with the acronym, GQ? Well if not, this guy personifies the essence of all that is Gentlemen’s Quartly (the magazine).  Karl with a “K”, is an accomplished technology manager who is always on the move.  Despite his busy schedule, he’s still down to earth and one of the most polite people I’ve met in a long time, which is just another reason he should probably get a call from the people over at GQ.  During the session he shared that just a few years ago he had locks of hair like a flowing river down his back.  I’m still waiting to see those pics by the way.   So here’s to a fantastic guy who put on his “Korporate Kool” for the shoot.  Glad you enjoy your headshots.

Maddie Grace Photography by Seneca Jones - Corporate HeadshotMaddie Grace Photography by Seneca Jones - Corporate Headshot

Maddie Grace Photography by Seneca Jones - Corporate Headshot